How To Grow Strawberries From Seeds

Are you interested in learning how to grow strawberries from seeds?
If yes, then you are in the right place.
In this article, you will know how to successfully grow your strawberries from seeds.
Also, you will know about the best conditions for growing strawberries in your location.
In addition, you will learn about the diseases that affect strawberry seedlIngs and how you can prevent and/or treat them.
This article will be a guide on how to grow strawberries from seeds from preparation to storage.
Let’s get started.
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Overview On Strawberries
Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and are commonly eaten fresh as a dessert fruit, are used as a pastry or pie filling, and may be preserved in many ways.
They were first bred in Brittany, France in the 1750s via a cross of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America and Fragaria chiloensis from Chile city.
Though, it originated in Europe in the 18th century.
Strawberries (Fragaria ananassa) are from the Rosaceae family.
Other fruits in this family include blackberries and raspberries.

Uses Of Strawberries
- They are used for various blended drinks.
- They are used in baked products.
- Industrially, they are used to make jam and/or jelly.
- The leaves are used for medicine
- People use them for DIYs.
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Health Benefits Of Strawberries
Here are some of the health benefits of strawberries that will motivate you to grow them;
1. Excellent source of vitamins.
Strawberries are bright red, juicy, and sweet.
They are an excellent source of Vitamin C and manganese.
They also contain decent amounts of folate (vitaminB9).
2. Antioxidants in strawberries help to control blood sugar
Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plant compounds.
This causes them to help improve heart health and control blood sugar.
3. They contain fiber that aids weight loss
Strawberries contain fiber,
Dietary fibers are important for feeding the friendly bacteria in the gut.
They also help with weight loss and can help prevent so many diseases.
4. Heart Health
Studies have shown that strawberries help to improve heart health.
It will also help to lower your risk of heart-related diseases.
5. Blood Sugar
Strawberries help you regulate your blood sugar.
They slow down glucose digestion and reduce spikes in both glucose and insulin.
6. Strawberries may help prevent cancer
The formation and progression of cancer are oftentimes linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.
Many studies have shown that strawberries may help you prevent various types of cancer.
This is because they have the ability to fight oxidative stress and inflammation.
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Conditions Necessary For Growing Strawberries
Strawberries in the growing stage require temperatures between 50°F-80°F.
They need less than 14 hours of daylight to grow flowers and produce fruits.
To successfully grow your strawberries from their seeds, you need to maintain the proper relative humidity.
It should be between 60 and 75 percent.
The ideal pH for growing strawberries is between 5.5 and 6.5.
If your soil has a pH that’s lower than 5.5, then it is too acidic for strawberry growth.
Strawberry plants need about 1 inch of water every week when they are still young.
They will need up to 2 inches every week when they start to produce fruits.
Strawberry plants require sunlight to produce fruit.
Therefore, about 10 hours of sunlight per day is ideal.
Out of these 10 hours, they need 6 hours of direct sunlight every day.

When To Plant The Strawberries
Strawberries are best planted in springtime.
You can plant them as early as several weeks before the last frost date.
This is usually between March and April to May.
Best Strawberry Variety To Grow
Royal Sovereign is the best strawberry variety to grow.
One of the reasons is that it has a sweet aromatic flavor.
Also, it is a self-fertile variety.
This means that it needs only one plant for fruits.
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How To Grow Strawberries From Seeds
Step 1: Soil Preparation
Strawberries love loamy or sandy soils.
They grow best in them.
Before planting, prepare your potting soil by adding 2 to 3 inches of compost or other organic matter to at least 12 inches deep in the soil.
This is because the organic matter added will help to improve nutrient availability.
It will also help to improve the soil’s structure and its ability to hold water.
You can add some balanced fertilizer as well.
You can use clay soil that is well-draining.
Another option is using Sandy loam mixed with compost or manure.
Step 2: Seed Preparation
Take about 4 strawberries and put them in a blender with water and blend together.
After this, strain out the seeds using a sieve
You can also place your strawberries in the dehydrator to reduce their moisture content.
When they are dry, rub them and their seeds will fall off.
Another method of getting your seeds is to scrape them off the strawberry fruit with a knife.
When you’ve got the seeds you need, pour them into an airtight container and freeze them.
You can freeze them for about 3 to 4 weeks.
When you’re ready to use them, let them thaw out.
Step 3: Planting Your Strawberry Seeds
It’s advisable to plant your seeds first in a small pot before transplanting them outside or into bigger pots.
Fill your pot with the potting soil as explained in the first step.
Add enough water to the mix and sprinkle the seeds over the soil in the pot.
When done, cover with a thin layer of soil.
Do not cover with a lot as this will limit the sunlight getting to the seeds.
Cover with a plastic wrap.
Step 4: Growing Your Strawberry Seedlings
Ensure that you keep your seeds warm and moist until they germinate.
Place the pot in a location where it can get direct sunlight.
Whenever you water, completely unwrap the pot to give it some air.
Once the seedlings start to grow about 3-5 leaves, it’s ready to be transplanted.
Note that it can take about 1 to 6 weeks, so be patient and watch them grow.
Step 5: Transplanting Your Strawberry Plant/Seedling
You can choose to transplant it into a bigger pot or your garden directly.
Choose a location where your seedlings get 6 to 10 hours of sunlight each day.
For each plant in a pot, dig a 6 inches hole in the soil.
Plant the seedling in the hole.
Fill the hole around the roots with soil and press gently.
Step 6: Care After Transplanting
Anytime you notice your soil is dry, especially in hot and dry weather, water them.
Water your plants in the morning.
Make sure that you add water directly to the soil.
You may have to wait for a year before your plants start fruiting.
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How To Harvest Strawberries
Your strawberries are ready for harvesting 4 to 6 weeks after blossoming.
Also, harvest only fully red berries and pick them at three-day intervals.
Grasp the stem between your fingers.
Lightly pull and twist at the same time.
Be careful because pulling too much can damage your plants and fruit.
How To Store Strawberries
Store them in Tupperware containers.
These containers will let air in and will allow the strawberries to last longer.
If you want to store them in the fridge, line the Tupperware container first.
After that step, place them and put them in the fridge.
Make sure that you don’t cover the container.
Also, space them well and avoid overcrowding.
Diseases that affect strawberries and how to control them
Here are some of the diseases of strawberry plants and how to prevent and control their spread in the garden;
1. Angular Leaf Spot of Strawberry Leaves
Angular leaf spots appear as water-soaked lesions on the surface of the lower leaves.
They are caused by Xanthomonas fragarie, a bacteria.
These spots get bigger and form dark green spots that release bacteria.
To manage this disease, it’s advisable to use only certified planting stock.
You can control it by making use of chemical controls.
2. Leaf Scorch Of Strawberries Leaves
When you notice dark purple or brown blotches on the upper leaf surface, your plant has leaf scorch.
According to the name, it affects only the leaves.
It is caused by a bacteria known as Diplocarpon earlianium.
It develops as lesions on the flowers and fruits.
These lesions can cause the death of the plant.
You can apply foliar fungicide to control them.
3. Anthracnose
This disease shows as round black or light gray lesions on leaves.
The plant may be but the leaves will not die.
It is caused by one of three fungi.
They are Colletotrichum fragariae, Colletotrichum gleosporoides and Colletotrichum acutatum.
It can be controlled by fumigating the soil.
Also, you can prevent it by washing all the soil on the crowns away before planting.
4. Gray Mold
Gray Mold is also called Botrytis fruit rot or Blossom blight.
Botrytis cinerea is the causative fungi.
It appears as patches of rot and/or gray mold on the strawberries, hence its name.
This disease affects only ripe strawberries.
It causes fruits to become dry and mummified.
To manage this disease, you must first remove and destroy all affected or dead fruits or materials.
Apply fungicides and also use plastic mulch to reduce the contact of the fruit with the soil.
This helps in preventing the further spread of the disease.
General tips for growing strawberries
Strawberry trees need regular irrigation.
It’s advisable to irrigate especially in the first few years of planting.
Drip irrigation works excellently well with strawberry plants or trees.
This is simply because it keeps the foliage and strawberry fruits dry.
In addition, it helps to greatly reduce outbreaks of disease.
You can also use these tips to grow your own perfect strawberries at home;
- Fertilize the strawberry plants when necessary.
- Use well-drained soil for planting.
- Don’t drown your strawberries with too much watering.
- Use a fertilizer-rich soil type.
- After harvesting, do not wash your strawberries unless you are planning to freeze them.
All information needed on planting strawberries through seeds has been provided.
We hope that you can successfully grow your own strawberries from seeds now.
Strawberries are among the fruits that have low calories.
They are delicious, healthy, and full of so many vitamins and minerals that have amazing health benefits.
Further, strawberries are good for adults because they help them to control their cholesterol and blood pressure.
They are also a great addition to a healthy diet.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the two types of strawberries?
They are day-neutral and short-day types.
Ever-bearing plants (also called day-neutral) are not affected by day length and have their highest production from spring through fall. Short-day types produce from fall through early spring when days are shorter.Can I grow strawberries from the crown on the fruit?
No, you cannot because it will not grow.
Though there are many ways to grow strawberries, the crown is not among the propagating means.I’m not sure about the pH content of my soil. What can I do?
The best way to know the pH of your soil and even some other properties is through a soil test.
In addition, you can do the test to also check if the soil has any nutrients and which ones it needs.Q4: At what temperature do strawberry seeds grow best?
They grow best in warm temperatures.
You can put them on top of your fridge or a bottom heat pad.
- University of California – Growing Strawberries
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