10 Best Sage Companion Plants And 5 You Should Avoid

If you are thinking about sage companion plants to grow in your garden, then this article is for you. You can grow sage with carrots, parsley, rosemary, tomatoes, oregano, etc. In this article, you will find a list of some of the best plants to grow with sage to get a bountiful harvest.
Growing sage companion plants has a lot of benefits which include warding off pests and diseases that may affect your plant. Hence, it will be great if you grow the sage companion plants in this article to take advantage of the benefits that come with this practice.
So, without further ado, let’s get into detail.

What is Companion Planting?
Companion planting is a method of growing different crops together such that each crop provides benefits to the other, or one crop enjoys the benefits but does not affect the other plant adversely. Gardeners have been using this method for years to naturally pollinate their plants, keep the number of pests down, and maintain a natural balance in their gardens.
Some companion plants attract beneficial insects, others repel pests, and some go as far as complementing each other’s nutrient requirements.
Companion planting is an important gardening tip for every beginner who is just starting a garden. Understanding this concept and putting it into use is a great way to make art out of your garden.
Why Should I Use Companion Plants?
For vegetable farmers as well as other gardeners, companion planting is an excellent idea and a great step in the right direction. Some of the benefits of companion planting include
- Companion Plants wards off certain insects and attracts pollinators.
- Also, companion plants are great for shade and support, especially for underground plants.
- Companion crops suppress weeds from thriving in the garden leaving the plants to enjoy the soil nutrients.
- Also, companion plants are a great natural and organic method to improve soil quality as Composting. See Composting For Beginners.
- Companion plants help improve plant growth and improve plant health.
All these will only be possible if you pay attention to the companion plant chart. Do not overlook the smallest details, if you do, you’re likely to put the healthy growth of your plant at risk.
List of the 10 Best Companion Plants for Sage.
There are several best companion plants for sage. These plants suit the growth of sage and favor its overall survival in the garden. Some of these plants include herbs like parsley, thyme, and rosemary; vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, and brassicas; and flowers like nasturtiums.
Let’s take a good look at most of these favorable plants that you can easily grow with sage.
#1. Tomatoes:
Your tomato plants are mostly at risk of being attacked by hornworms. However, planting tomatoes with sage and borage helps to keep these worms off.
Also, companion planting tomatoes with sage and cilantro helps to deter spider mites and also attract pollinators to your tomato.
Also, see Tomato Companion Planting [The Best and the Worst Plants for Tomatoes].
#2. Carrots:
Carrot is one of the best sage companion plants because sage plants give off a repelling odor that keeps pests away from your carrots. Also planting your carrots together with sage prevents them from rotting easily.
In addition, the flavor of your carrot will be enhanced when planted with sage.
Lastly, carrot is a root crop and therefore does not compete with sage for space.
Check out the Top 10 Carrot Companion Plants to learn more.
#3. Parsley:
Parsley is one herb that serves as a great companion plant for sage. It doesn’t have any adverse effects. Instead, Sage is known to benefit from its pollination properties.
With these two combinations, you don’t have to worry about pollination.
#4. Rosemary:
Rosemary is one herb that doesn’t do well when planted with other herbs, interestingly it does well with sage. They both produce scents that keep certain pests at bay. Giving your garden a nice aroma is also one of their specialties.
These two help beautifully complement each other and you would love to try them out.
#5. Oregano:
Another good companion plant for sage is oregano. They do so well together because they have similar growing conditions.
Therefore you can easily plant your sage with oregano as they make a good pair.
#6. Brassicas:
Brassicas are one of the best sage companion plants. You can plant sage with most members of the cabbage family also known as brassicas.
Some of the Brassicas you can plant sage with include; cauliflower, broccoli, kale, kohlrabi, and Brussels sprouts.
Sage helps to keep certain pests like cabbage moths, cabbage loopers, black fleas, and Cabbage maggots away from brassicas.
#7. Strawberries:
Strawberries are wonderful sage companion plants. Strawberries are often affected by slugs and other pests. However, planting sage with strawberries helps to deter these pests.
Learn more by reading this article about the Top 10 Raspberry Companion Plants.
#8. Thyme:
Sage and thyme can easily make good companion plants as they are tolerant of Sandy soil.
Although Thyme tends to give out more benefits than it receives. Be rest assured both will make a good pair.
#9. Beans:
Beans in general do greatly as a companion plant for many herbs and vegetables. The two major types of beans that are great companion plants to sage are Pole beans and Bush beans. Sage benefits from the Nitrogen they add to the soil, which helps in better growth and taste.
Despite this benefit, farmers are advised not to plant them too close to avoid stunted growth of both beans and sage.
#10. Nasturtium:
Nasturtiums are quite beautiful flowers to plant together with your sage.
Apart from adding beauty to your garden, they are also good at repelling whiteflies that attack sage.
Plants You Will Regret Planting With Sage.
As much as you’re looking for companion plants to grow with sage, there are crops you should not grow together with sage. These plants either compete for soil nutrients and space, or they have a toxic nature that can eliminate your desired plant which in this case is the sage.
If you plant these plants with sage, it will result in a low harvest as well as poor performance of your desired crops. The worst sage companion plants include;
- Fennel
- Rue
- Cucumbers
- Wormwood
- Allium
The above-mentioned plants are very harmful to the sage in different ways. Some of these plants attract pests and diseases which may affect the sage plant.
If you’re intending to get a bountiful sage harvest, do not plant these crops with sage.

Frequently Asked Questions About What To Plant With Sage.
Does a Sage Plant Like Full Sun?
Sage is known to thrive well in dry conditions. It also requires direct sunlight to grow well. Whether you are growing it indoors or in the garden ensure it gets enough sunlight.
Does Sage Grow Back Every Year?
Absolutely! Sage is a perennial plant that is expected to grow back every year. It is also a known fact that sage self-reproduces. However, for an exceptional yield, it is best you replant it yourself.
Can I Plant Basil and Sage Together?
Basil and sage are herbs that should not be planted together. Both of them do not thrive in similar conditions. Basil requires constant watering to grow while sage thrives on dry soil.
Can I Plant Lavender and Sage together?
Lavender can be a good companion for sage as they both can survive in similar conditions. Planting lavender is a great addition to the garden. During harvest, you get to have two useful plants from your garden. That’s a huge plus!!!
Is Sage A Good Companion Plant?
Sage makes a good companion plant to different herbs, flowers, and vegetables. It repels different pests that attack these plants and sometimes also aids in the pollination process by attracting pollinators.
Why is My Sage Dying?
Your sage may die off if you expose it to too much moisture as it doesn’t thrive well in damp soil. If the soil is too fertile, it can also affect your sage.
Sage is an excellent herb to have in your garden. It gives out more benefits to other plants than it receives. With it in your garden, you do not have to bother about pesticides.
To increase your chance of having a great harvest, you need to employ the technique of companion planting and know what plants are best planted with sage. You can start by putting the knowledge you have gotten in this article to good use.
Also do not forget to read this article about How To Prepare The Soil For Planting Vegetables. It will go a long way for you.