6 Best Raspberry Companion Plants (and 2 Worst Plants)

If you are thinking of companion planting for your raspberries this season, here is a list of raspberry companion plants and crops that will do you good.

If you are wondering “What plants can be grown near Raspberries?” 

This piece will go a long way to give you in detail what you should plant with raspberries and what will give you a poor yield if you plant some other crops.

Companion planting is a strategy of planting crops that positively benefits the other plant in close proximity.

In this article, we have put together a list of raspberry companion plants that have been proven to increase harvest yield.

All you have to do is plant them in close proximity to your raspberries.

What is Companion Planting?

Companion planting is a natural method that has been used by gardeners for years to aid pollination, keep the number of pests down, and maintain a natural balance in your garden. 

What this means is that planting some plants close to one another will have a beneficial effect on each other’s growth or just be beneficial to one and not affect the other plant adversely.

Companion Planting is also the act of growing together with all the elements and beings that encourage life and growth in the garden.

Basically, companion planting is all about planting some plants together because they have characteristics that complement each other.

This microcosm can include vegetables, fruits, trees, bushes, wheat, flowers, weeds, birds, etc

Some attract beneficial insects, others repel pests, and some go as far as complementing each other’s nutrient requirements

Companion planting is one of the Gardening Tips And Tricks For Beginners that many often ignore. 

However, expert gardeners find it suitable for both Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening and Indoor Vegetable Gardening.

Understanding this concept and putting it into use is a great way to make art out of your garden. 

I’m pretty sure that is your intention.

Why is Companion Planting A Good Idea?

It’s no longer news that one of the reasons why most farmers do not plant companion crops is because they don’t know what this singular act brings to them.

For vegetable farmers as well as other gardeners, companion planting is an excellent idea and a great step in the right direction.

Some of the benefits of companion planting include

  • Companion Plants wards off certain insects and attracts pollinators.
  • Also, companion plants are great for shade and support, especially for underground plants.
  • Companion crops suppress weeds from thriving in the garden leaving the plants to enjoy the soil nutrients.
  • Also, companion plants are a great natural and organic method to improve soil quality as Composting. See Composting For Beginners.
  • Companion plants help improve plant growth and improve plant health.

All these will only be possible if you pay attention to the companion chart. 

If you ignore the companion chart, you will end up planting crops that will not make a good companion to your plant. 

Rather than they help in its growth like the raspberries which is our focus in this article, they will compete for nutrients and you will end up having a poor yield.

Do not overlook the smallest details, if you do, you’re likely to put the healthy growth of your plant at risk.

Raspberry As A Companion Plant

Raspberries are fruit trees that require lots of carefulness when growing them in your garden.

For instance, raspberries should not be grown or mixed with other raspberry or blackberry varieties.

Even if you have to grow it in the same garden with two or more of its varieties, the berries should be kept as far apart as possible, at least 500 feet.

This also applies to boysenberries and loganberries as well.

Raspberries attract potato phytophthora blight. What this means is that they should not be planted close to potatoes or follow potatoes or related crops in rotation.

Another trick in companion planting of raspberries is that you will be doing your raspberry plant no good if you’re starting a new raspberry patch where one has been in the past 4 to 5 years. 

Chances are they will be infected by fungal diseases, pathogens, and nematodes that do not favor the growth of raspberries.

10 Best Raspberry Companion Plants

If you’re set to plant your raspberries and you want to know the plants to plant with your raspberry plants, then you should know that Garlic, Turnip, Rue, Tansy, and Marigold are good for raspberry companion planting.

These plants contribute substantially to the growth of raspberries.

All of the above-mentioned plants repel harmful insects such as ants, flies, moths, and assorted flying insects that are harmful to fruits and berries.

Let’s go more into details

#1. Garlic

Garlic on a general note is one of those plants you can count on when you’re considering companion planting.

It is also one of the Best Companion Plants for Carrots as well.

For raspberries, garlic discourages most pests from taking part in the harvest.

Pests such as Aphids, Fleas beetles, Japanese beetle, spider mites, vampires, and members of the opposite sex will not flock to your raspberry field if your companion plant garlic alongside raspberries. 

Also, garlic accumulates sulfur, a natural fungicide that will help in the garden with disease prevention.

#2. Tansy

Heard of Tansy?

Tansy is a flower, one of those that you will find in the list of Best Flowers To Grow For Beginners.

This fern-like flowering plant produces bright yellow flowers which are insect repellents. 

These flowers, rather than attracting, repels disastrous insects and attract pollinators only.

Also, planting tansy in your raspberry field increases Potassium levels in the soil.

Potassium is a nutrient that the soil needs to aid the growth of your crops. 

Tansy is one of those companion crops or plants that adds nitrogen to the soil which is beneficial to most garden plants including raspberries. 

However, keep in mind that the leaves of Tansy plants are toxic to people, pets, and livestock.

That you may want to put this into consideration to avoid poisoning yourself.

#3. Rue 

Just like the Tansy flower, rue is one of the companion plants that although beneficial to the raspberry plant, is somewhat toxic to the farmer.

Many herbalists suggest that you should apply it to your skin, but research shows that it may invoke allergic reactions. 

Rue in a raspberry field or garden repels Japanese Beetles. These beetles feed heavily on Raspberry in all stages of its life cycle.

Japanese beetles can leave you without a harvest. But with rue on the farm as a companion plant with raspberry plants, they are warded far away.

#4. Turnips 

Turnips make good companion plants to raspberries. Just like most companion plants, they ward off pests and attract pollinators.

Also, turnips help to deter Harlequin Bugs and related stink bugs in a raspberry field.

You should see the Best Turnip Companion Plants.

#5. Yarrow

If you want a raspberry field free of Harlequin bugs, wormwood, and such pests, then Yarrow is one of the best companion crops you can plant. 

It serves majorly as an insect repellent.

#6. Pine Trees and Evergreens

You will be doing your raspberry plants well by planting them with and close to pine trees. 

Pine Trees and Evergreens will add to the acidity of the soil.

Also, beyond increasing the acidity of the soil, the pine needles of pine trees break down and add essential nutrients to the soil.

The appropriate soil pH for the growth of raspberries is between pH 5.5 – 6.5.

While planting raspberries with pine trees, do not plant them in the full shade of the pine tree, just partial shade.

Other good plants to grow with raspberries include;

  • Beets
  • Bush Beans
  • Celery
  • Chamomile
  • Cucumber
  • Dill
  • Garlic
  • Geranium
  • Hyssop.
  • Marigolds.
  • Mint.
  • Nasturtiums
  • Onions.
  • Potatoes.
  • Rosemary.
  • Sage.
  • Thyme

Worst Plants to Plant With Raspberries

What is good for the goose may not be good for the gander.

Some plants, though good for planting, are not good to be planted with raspberries.

This is so because they compete with the plants for nutrients and space which lead to poor yield and waste of resources.

Here we have decided to give you a heads-up on the list of bad raspberry companion plants.

In the spirit of companion planting, do not make the mistake of planting these crops near raspberries;

#1. Fennel

Fennel is the bad boy in a beautiful garden.

By nature, fennel is allelopathic to most garden plants. It exudes compounds that eliminate competing plants from their immediate area. 

In a garden with raspberries, it will exude compounds that will wither or kill the raspberries long before harvest.

This makes it quite a scare for most gardeners. However, dill is one of the very few garden crops that you can plant with fennels.

But for raspberries, that’s a bad idea.

#2. Strawberries

Who doesn’t love strawberries?

Raspberry plants do not!!!

Strawberries are not related to the berry or nightshade family. Whatever you do, you should not plant strawberries with raspberries. 

The reason why strawberries should be kept away from raspberry family plants is the fact that they are susceptible to and transmit verticillium wilt.

Raspberries are also highly susceptible to verticillium wilt. 

Other plants you should not plant with raspberries include;

  • Eggplant
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Boysenberries
  • BlackBerries
  • Gooseberries 
  • Other Berries

Most of these plants are susceptible and can transmit verticillium wilt. And raspberries do not do well with the disease.

Also, some of the above-mentioned plants prevent the transfer of soil-borne fungal diseases.

Frequently Asked Questions About What To Grow With Raspberries

Can I Plant Marigolds With Raspberries?

Yes, marigolds are great to plant with raspberries.

Besides raspberries, marigolds make good companions with most plants in the garden.

That’s the reason it’s called rock stars in the garden.

Can I Plant Cucumbers Next To Raspberries?

Yes, cucumbers make good companion plants to raspberries.

Can I Plant Peppers With Raspberries?

Pepper is not good to plant with raspberries.

Peppers and chilis are susceptible to various fungal infections and should be planted in a separate container or garden plot. 

Can I Plant Blueberries With Raspberries?

Blueberries and raspberries are both ideal edible landscaping choices for the home grower. 

However, because their soil needs and growing habits are so different, they should not be planted as a mixed row or placed in extremely close proximity.


Agriculture will be rewarding if you know what strings to pull.

Raspberry planting is good but you will get the best harvest if you plant it alongside plants that help it flourish well.

You don’t have to plant all these companion plants in your raspberry field, however, one or two of them depending on the size of your garden will give you a good harvest.


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