Top 10 Rosemary Companion Plants And 5 You Should Avoid

If you are thinking of the best rosemary companion plants to combine with your Rosemary this season.
Then you are on to the right article, here is a list of crops that you can benefit from.
If you desire a bountiful harvest this rosemary planting season, do not grow them alone.
Because companion planting does not just give you a bountiful harvest but also wards off pests and diseases that may affect your plant.
Take advantage and maximize the benefits of the companion crops we are about to share below.
Most of them are herbs, others are vegetables, and even flowers.
However, the ideal plants to plant with rosemary are Thyme, Chives, Lavender, Sage, Alyssum etc.
With companion planting, this strategy positively benefits the other plant in close proximity.
Rosemary has an insect repellent ability so while choosing a companion plant for it, this should be put into consideration.
Plants that would be able to benefit from this insect repellent propensity should be considered.
Furthermore, plants that can also add to the healthy growth of rosemary should be looked into as well.
In this article, we have put together a list of rosemary companion plants that have been proven to be beneficial to your harvest yield.
All you have to do is plant them in close proximity to rosemary.
Therefore, keep reading and find the best companion plants for your rosemary.

What is Companion Planting?
Companion planting is a natural method that has been used by gardeners for years to aid pollination, keep the number of pests down and maintain a natural balance in your garden.
What this means is that planting some plants close to another will have a beneficial effect on each other’s growth or just be beneficial to one and not affect the other plant adversely.
Companion planting is all about planting some plants together because they have characteristics that complement each other.
Some attract beneficial insects, others repel pests, and some go as far as complementing each other’s nutrient requirements
Companion planting is one of the Gardening Tips And Tricks For Beginners that many often ignore.
This Gardening Tips For Vegetable Planting is a welcome development in the gardener’s world.
However, most gardeners find it suitable for both Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening and Indoor Vegetable Gardening.
Understanding this concept and putting it into use is a great way to make art out of your garden.
I’m pretty sure that is your intention.
Other times, a plant may have a neutral companionship with the primary crop.
Why Should I Use Companion Plants?
It’s no longer news that one of the reasons why most farmers do not plant companion crops is because they don’t know what this singular act brings to them.
For vegetable farmers as well as other gardeners, companion planting is an excellent idea and a great step in the right direction.
Some of the benefits of companion planting include
- Companion Plants wards off certain insects and attracts pollinators.
- Also, companion plants are great for shade and support especially for underground plants.
- Companion crops suppress weeds from thriving in the garden leaving the plants to enjoy the soil nutrients.
- Also, companion plants are a great natural and organic method to improve soil quality as Composting. See Composting For Beginners.
- Companion plants help improve plant growth and improve plant health.
All these will only be possible if you pay attention to the companion chart.
Do not overlook the smallest details, if you do, you’re likely to put the healthy growth of your plant at risk.
10 Best Companion Plants for rosemary.
There are many great companion plants for rosemary.
These plants are quite compatible with rosemary and suit its overall survival in the garden.
Some of these plants include herbs like thyme, and sage; vegetables like carrots, and brassicas; and flowers like marigolds.
Let’s take a good look at most of these favorable plants that you can easily grow with rosemary.
#1. Chives:
Chives are very good companion plants for rosemary.
It has a good reputation for enhancing the growth and taste of plants it is paired with. And thrives well with almost all garden plants.
Chive also helps to ward off pests like aphids from messing with your plants, making your garden conducive for planting.
#2. Lavender:
Lavender and rosemary make good companion plants.
They are very compatible and get along with each other.
Their requirements are similar and both enjoy warm climates.
However Lavender has more tolerance for cold climates than rosemary.
Both rosemary and lavender attract different kinds of pollinators.
Lavender always does well with plants that have the same cultural needs as it, and rosemary happens to be one of them.
#3. Thyme:
Apart from being a great spice for meat and stews, Thyme and Rosemary also do well together as companion plants.
When rosemary is combined with thyme in the garden, thyme is a lot beneficial as it offers protection from cabbage worms.
Also, rosemary has the ability to keep other insects off your garden.
Therefore, you don’t have to worry about pesticides for your rosemary garden that is planted with thyme.
Because they will do a good job at keeping pests away.
On the flip side, check the Top 10 Thyme Companion Plants And 3 You Should Avoid.
#4. Alyssum:
Alyssum is one beneficial flower you can plant together with rosemary.
The tiny flowers of Alyssum are good in attracting beneficial insects and pollinators.
On the other hand, rosemary repels other kinds of pests.
These two work together in making your garden pest-free.
#5. Marjoram:
Marjoram is another great companion plant for rosemary.
Planting the two together is a sure way to promote the health, growth, and success of rosemary.
This is because marjoram is one plant that releases certain chemicals into the soil.
These chemicals foster faster growth and better taste in the plants they are planted with.
Therefore the combination planting of rosemary with marjoram holds more benefits for rosemary than its companion.
#6. Sage:
Sage and rosemary thrive well in very similar conditions, therefore they tend to grow well when planted together.
If you’re looking to plant companion crops with rosemary and space is a disadvantage, sage is the plant to go for. Their combination will help you save some space in your garden.
Furthermore, rosemary is known to improve the taste of sage and also enhance its overall health.
Check out Top 10 Sage Companion Plants And 5 You Should Avoid
#7. Marigold:
Marigolds make good natural companion plants with rosemary.
Both of them have insect-repelling abilities you can maximize in your vegetable garden to deter pests.
Also, if you are looking for a flower to add more color to your garden then Marigold can be the one for you.
#8. Strawberries:
Another crop to plant with your Rosemary is strawberries.
Strawberries are known to easily fall prey to pests and slugs.
However, with a Rosemary nearby you can easily deter these pests from coming around.
In addition, strawberries have a way of adding flavor to their companion plants. So rosemary and strawberries both have benefits for each other.
#9. Carrots:
Carrots are another great companion plant for rosemary. They do pretty well together.
The carrot plant offers the gardener sweet edible roots.
And in addition, they offer great relationships when you plant them with rosemary.
Rosemary uses its insect repelling properties to keep carrot flies at bay While carrots provide nutrients that enable rosemary to grow well.
Also, see Top 10 Carrot Companion Plants
#10. Onions:
Onion makes an awesome companion plant for rosemary. Rosemary does a great job in deterring pests while onions keep bugs away.
So you see they both benefit from the combination.
Also, See Onion Companion Plants.
Other plants that do well as companion plants when you plant them with rosemary include;
- Brassicas
- Beans
- Cauliflower
- Oregano
- Parsnips

Plants You Will Regret Planting With Rosemary.
As much as you’re looking for companion plants to follow through with the benefits of Companion Planting this season, there are crops you should not plant if you’re planting rosemary.
These plants either compete for soil nutrients and space, or they have a toxic nature that can eliminate your desired crop.
That will result in a low harvest as well as poor performance of crops.
Whatever research you want to do, do not plant these plants close to rosemary:
- Pumpkins
- Potatoes
- Cucumber
- Mints
- Basil
- Tomatoes: Tomato Companion Planting
The abovementioned plants are very harmful to the rosemary in different ways.
Some of these plants attract pests and diseases which may affect the rosemary.
If you’re intending to get a bountiful rosemary harvest, do not plant these crops with rosemary.
Rosemary is a great plant to cultivate, it has great importance both in the kitchen and in the garden.
To increase your chance of having a great harvest, you need to employ the technique of companion planting and know what plants are best planted with rosemary.
Also do not forget to read this article on How To Prepare The Soil For Planting Vegetables.
It will go a long way for you!!!
Frequently Asked Questions About What To Plant With Rosemary.
Can Lavender And Rosemary Be Planted Together?
Yes, both are Mediterranean herbs that thrive in similar conditions. And they make great companion plants.
Can I Plant Tomatoes and Rosemary Together?
No this is not advisable! You can not grow tomatoes and rosemary together.
Although rosemary can thrive in similar conditions as tomatoes, it can easily deprive it of nutrients as well.
Tomatoes love to get wet, unlike rosemary which doesn’t like getting too wet.Can I Plant Marigolds With Rosemary?
Absolutely! Marigolds are good rosemary companion plants. Marigolds release specific chemicals into the soil that aid the growth and success of rosemary.
Does Rosemary kill other plants?
Rosemary doesn’t kill other plants rather it deters various pests and insects that destroy certain plants.
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