Top 10 Zucchini Companion Plants

If you are thinking of companion planting for your zucchini plants this season, here is a list of crops that will do you good.
If you desire a bountiful harvest this zucchini planting season, do not grow them alone.
Because companion planting does not just give you a bountiful harvest but also wards off pests and diseases that may affect your plant.
Take advantage and maximize the benefits of the companion crops we are about to share below.
Most of them are herbs, while others are vegetables and even flowers.
With companion planting, this strategy positively benefits the other plant in close proximity.
Some companions provide zucchini with shade, act as a barrier to the wind, deter certain weeds and pests, aid in moisture retention, or act as a trellis.
In this article, we have put together a list of zucchini companion plants that have been proven to increase your harvest yield.
All you have to do is plant them close to your zucchini plant.
So, read on for the best companion plants for zucchini.

What Is Companion Planting?
Companion planting is one of the farming strategies adopted by vegetable gardeners in which vegetables are grown in combination with one another.
It’s a natural method that has been used by gardeners for years to aid pollination, keep the number of pests down and maintain a natural balance in your garden.
All you have to do is to plant some plants together because they have characteristics that complement each other.
Companion planting is one of the Gardening Tips And Tricks For Beginners that many gardeners often ignore.
This Gardening Tips For Vegetable Planting is a welcome development in the gardeners’ world.
However, most gardeners find it suitable for both Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening and Indoor Vegetable Gardening.
Understanding this concept and putting it into use is a great way to make art out of your garden.
Is Companion Planting A New Farming Idea?
Planting companion crops is an ancient practice that’s been practiced around the world in a variety of settings.
Mostly it’s the Greeks and Romans that understood that certain plants benefit or harm other plants.
Records show that Chinese farmers started using a type of fern called mosquito ferns as companion plants for rice at least 1000 years ago.
So, planting companion plants is not a new farming trend. It dates back about 1000 years.
Why Are The Benefits of Companion Planting?
It’s no longer news that one of the reasons why most farmers do not plant companion crops is because they don’t know the benefits of this singular act.
For vegetable farmers as well as other gardeners, companion planting is an excellent idea and a great step in the right direction.
Some of the benefits of companion planting include
- Companion Plants wards off certain insects and attracts pollinators.
- Also, companion plants are great for shade and support, especially for underground plants.
- Companion crops suppress weeds from thriving in the garden leaving the plants to enjoy the soil nutrients.
- Also, companion plants are a great natural and organic method to improve soil quality as Composting. See Composting For Beginners.
- Companion plants help improve plant growth and improve plant health.
- Also, companion planting can be done to save space and maximize yield.
The benefits of planting certain crops with another have proven to be beneficial.
However, in this guide, we have made a list of the best zucchini companion plants

10 Best Companion Plants For Zucchini
Now you know what you stand to gain by planting some crops with Zucchini in close proximity, the big question is what should I plant with zucchini?
Let’s take a look at the best companion plants to plant with zucchini;
#1. Beans:
Bean is a leguminous plant and by design, leguminous plants add nitrogen to the soil which is a priceless asset, especially for zucchini plants.
Just like cucumber, zucchini is a heavy feeder and requires additional fertilizer regularly during the growing season.
Therefore, plants such as the pole or bush beans provide zucchini with valuable soil nutrients.
This relationship is mutual because the beans benefit, too. The zucchini plant shades its root and prevents weeds from growing.
#2. Peas:
Just like beans, peas add nitrogen to the soil and promote the growth of the zucchini plant.
Peas and zucchinis make a great pair and do not compete for space and soil nutrients.
In addition to that, peas are also a great way to control weeds on the farm.
Weeds do not thrive in a garden or farm where peas grow. So if you do not have the strength for weeding, just plant Zucchini with peas.
#3. Radishes:
One of the plants to plant with Zucchini is radish.
Radishes are easy to plant and small in size and that means that your zucchinis will not have to compete for space.
Besides that, as a companion plant, radishes can repel pests like cucumber beetles, squash bugs, and aphids that infest zucchini plants.
To grow radishes with zucchini, you need to harvest them on time before your zucchini gets too big.
But while harvesting leaves some radishes in the ground continue their pest repellants.
The best type of radishes to plant are champion radish seeds, french breakfast radish, easter egg radish, cherry belle radish, watermelon radish seeds, white icicle radishes, black Spanish radish, and white daikon radish seeds.
#4. Garlic:
Pests do not like the odor of garlic, even humans sometimes.
And particular, aphids don’t like garlic. And aphids infest zucchini plants.
Aphids cause extensive damage to the garden if left unchecked. Planting garlic near zucchini keeps these pests off the zucchini plants.
So garlic is a huge benefit to the zucchini. It is one of the plants to plant with zucchini.
#5. Corn:
Next on our list of zucchini companion plants is corn.
Corn is of great benefit to zucchini more than most companion plants.
First corn in the zucchini field shades the corn’s roots thereby preventing it from too much sunlight.
Also, planting corn close to zucchini helps to improve moisture retention.
In addition to that, planting corn plants is a great way to reduce weed growth in the garden.
The pest: insidious squash vine borer is left confused when it sees zucchini planted alongside corn.
This is very great because it’s a natural way of repelling pests in the garden.
#6. Borage:
Borage is an annual herb.
Bees are naturally attracted to borage making it an ideal companion plant for better pollination for your zucchini plants and better fruit yields.
By nature, zucchinis require a high level of ample pollination to form a large, healthy fruit.
And a healthy large fruit is very important if you don’t want to spend your free time outside with a paintbrush pollinating plants!
In addition to being a great plant to foster pollinator activity, borage is also good for mulching.
Borage emits calcium into the soil and calcium is a primary cause of blossom-end rot in squash fruits.
With borage in the picture, you wouldn’t have to worry about fruit rot in the garden.
And as a herb, it doesn’t compete with zucchini crops for space.
#7. Nasturtiums:
If you want a companion plant that you can plant with zucchini that you can share in its goodness, then you should consider the Nasturtiums.
Nasturtiums are beautiful plants that add brilliant pops of color to the garden.
However, most gardeners use nasturtiums as a trap crop.
Yes, you heard right!!!
Nasturtiums naturally attract aphids and other insects. What this means is that you will not have to worry about pests visiting the squash plants.
Furthermore, they attract beneficial insects such as bees, which increases flower pollination and zucchini yields.
And as I mentioned earlier, you too get to enjoy it because nasturtiums are edible for humans, too!
#8. Mint:
Mint is one of the companion plants for zucchini. But rather than plant it directly in the soil, we recommend that you plant them in a container.
You should see the Best Vegetables To Grow All Year Round In Pots.
Planting mints directly in the garden will adversely affect your farm if that’s not the major plant you are growing.
This is so because the mint crop will happily self-seed and take over your entire garden.
A container of mint placed near your zucchini plants will assist in keeping the aphids away.
Mints naturally repel aphids, a common pest of zucchini plants.
This is one of the crops to plant with zucchini.
#9. Dill:
Asides from being one of the Best Companion Plants For Carrots, dill is also one of the Best Companion Plants For Raspberries including zucchini.
Dill plants are a natural repellent for squash bugs, aphids, and whiteflies.
Also, they work wonderfully when you plant them in combination with zucchini.
#10. Marigold:
Marigolds make an excellent companion for garlic. See the Best Companion Plants For Garlic.
In the list of companion crops for zucchini, the marigold is a flower in the list.
Marigolds are not just pretty flowers, they also do well in attracting hoverflies.
The presence of adult hoverflies in your zucchini garden is an excellent shot for pollinator activity.
Adult hoverflies are great pollinators and hoverfly larvae eat aphids.
This is an additional plus for the zucchini garden. Also, they are good at repelling squash bugs, as well.
These plants are a great combination to plant with zucchini.
What Should I Not Plant With Zucchini?
The above-mentioned crops will increase your yield as well as bloom your harvest.
However, there are some plants that you should never plant alongside your zucchini plants.
Whatever you do, do not plant these vegetables near your Zucchini plant;
- Sweet Potatoes
- Potatoes
- Pumpkins & Gourds
- Cucumbers
- squash
These plants are antagonists to the zucchini plant. If you want to have a great Zucchini harvest DO NOT plant these plants close to the Zucchini.
Planting will only be beneficial if you see the resultant effect of your effort, resources, and time.
One of the ways to increase your yield is through this expose you have just read.
Companion planting for zucchini plants is one way to get high yield robust-looking zucchinis.
We are sure this piece will be a valuable addition to your planting journey.